Apricot Truffles

I wanted to post a really simple recipe to get myself started again with blogging, so this one for now also comes without pictures – but I will be making them again so pictures will come soon!

These were in a copy of “Feel Good Food” magazine that Anthony’s mum gave me, I’ve not always liked apricots but couldn’t resist the idea of putting them together with almonds, also they are the first snack like this I’ve come across which don’t contain either coconut or peanut butter.  Don’t get me wrong, I love both, but sometimes its nice to use different things!

Apricot Truffles

100g (4oz) Almonds (soaked for 12 to 48 hours before hand)
50g (2oz) dried apricots
6-8 dates
Zest of one lemon
1tsp vanilla essence

  1. Process the almonds, apricots and dates in a food processor
  2. Add lemon zest and vanilla and blitz further
  3. Form the dough into small balls and chill in the fridge or freezer before serving

I’ve put mine in the freezer and they’ve stayed soft enough to eat, great to settle a sweet craving!

Delightful Date Bites

I have a terrible sweet tooth, I can pick all day at biscuits and chocolate, I look at the wrapper or the remaining crumbs and realise that I haven’t even tasted it, let alone had chance to enjoy it.  I know that when I’m sat at a desk seven hours a day this is not a good habit and definitely not good for my weight!

Food Blog Date Bliss Ball-12

Delightful Date Bites


I found a recipe a couple of weeks ago on pinterest (one of my favourite places to waste an hour) and it was recommended as a healthy snack or a protein bite before exercise, after further searching I found some others and this is a combination of all the ones I found.  It has dates to sweeten it and lots of lovely healthy nuts and seeds, its also gluten and dairy free and vegan!  It doesn’t take any baking at all, it couldn’t be easier!

healthy ingredients

healthy ingredients

I actually can’t get over how much I like these now I’ve made them, its the kind of thing I’d laugh at my mum for calling a treat!  The best thing is that I don’t have to feel even vaguely guilty about eating them, I just grab them out of the freezer and enjoy!

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So here’s my version of the recipes I’ve looked at 🙂

They take no more than 15 minutes to make and then once they’ve set in the freezer you can nibble away!
Makes approximately 12 large Delightful Date Bites

  • 250g pitted dates
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 3/4 cup oats
  • 2 tablespoons Chia Seeds
  • 1/2 cup coconut flakes
  • 1/4 cup sesame seeds
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1/4 cup + 1 tbsp chopped almonds
  • 1/2 cup extra coconut flakes for coating

How to make them –

– Place dates and water in a small pan over a low heat until soft, then blend until smooth using a stick blender or by placing in a food processor.

– Move the dates into a bowl and fold in the rest of the ingredients, (leaving out the extra coconut flakes) until mixed, if you find it needs more moisture then add a little more water and you can add more oats if its a bit soggy.

– You can then shape the mixture to about the size of a golf ball, roll them in the remaining coconut flakes and place on a tray. (you also use chopped almonds or more sesame seeds, really whatever you fancy!)

– Pop the tray in the freezer for 30 minutes to set and enjoy Delightful Date Bites straight out of the freezer before exercise for a protein boost or just a quick bite. (I put mine in a tupperware and because of the coconut they don’t stick to each other at all!)


I had to resist adding anything to sweeten them like glacé cherries or some maple syrup, but it honestly doesn’t need it!  I’ve also seen some recipes which combine in cocoa too, but again they’re perfect as they are.  I’m going to keep trying different options over the next few weeks and see what I come up with – my next ones might end up with peanut butter in as I’m kinda obsessed with it at the moment!
